Saying Goodbye to Outdated Tech

By Samantha Plateroti

So... the marketing automation tool that you rely on so much just isn’t doing what you need it to do.. You're losing time, money, and maybe even potential customers because of it.

Why continue to use it even though it’s not working for you?

waving at laptop

The Statistics - How Many Businesses Change Software

In a recent Capterra survey, only 3% of businesses keep their marketing automation or CRM software for 10+ years. The majority of businesses surveyed update their software every 2-5 years.

Another survey by Software Advice showed that 60% of businesses changed their software to increase functionality or improve process efficiency.

Reasons Why Businesses are Hesitant to Make a Change

Despite the value in upgrading software, businesses are still hesitant to make the move. There are many reasons why businesses choose to hold on to outdated software, including:

  • Disruptive Process:
Companies may feel that updating a crucial piece of software may cause a larger disruption to their company's processes
  • Fear of Complexity:
Companies may feel that upgrading to new software will require a steep learning curve that will take too long to implement
  • Team Adaptation:
Upgrading to new software means that teams need to adapt to new software that they may not know how to use.

Why Upgrading is Necessary

It’s understandable why businesses may be hesitant to upgrade software, but it's important to understand why it’s necessary.

Every day that you use outdated software, you run the risk of falling behind your competitors. Newer software tools offer updated features and capabilities that allow your business to be more efficient and effective.

The value of staying on top of technology trends and having the best software tools available cannot be overstated when it comes to competing in today's market.

changes around here

Where to Start and What Tools to Start With (imo 🙃)  

It's important to regularly assess your marketing automation tool and CRM to ensure that it's still meeting your needs. You don't want to waste time and money on a tool that no longer delivers the results you desire.

The first step is to gather feedback from your team. Ask them what they like and dislike about your current tech stack. Ask for any frequent issues and if there are any features that they wish existed to better suit their day-to-day needs.

Once you have gathered feedback from your team, it's time to start evaluating other tools.

Begin by researching what's out there, check out review sites like G2 or Capterra, and create a checklist of essential features you want or need. Look at reviews from other businesses who’ve used these tools and see why they recommend (...or not). Attend webinars and schedule demos to see how a particular tool may be applicable to your business.

hubspot vs salesforce on G2


(If you’re interested in HubSpot for your marketing, sales, CS, or automation needs - Dijy can help!)

While evaluating, keep in mind the process of making a change. The goal is to have a seamless transition so that your current processes are not disrupted.

So ask these questions:

  1. How long does implantation take?
  2. What internal resources or people need to be part of this transition?
  3. What can we expect the onboarding process to look like?

Determine a timeline that works for making the transition and create a plan detailing the steps involved in the migration process. It's important to communicate the transition process with your team so everyone is on the same page and has a clear understanding of what’s to come.


The Tools:


At Dijy, we believe that a good CRM system keeps your business organized, but a GREAT CRM takes it a step further by centralizing all your data and integrating with your essential tools. It’s time to consider upgrading your CRM to a robust solution like HubSpot, which empowers you to not only manage customer data but also automate sales processes and derive valuable insights through reporting.

Consolidating customer information into a centralized CRM hub streamlines your operations, ensuring that customer data is always up to date and easily accessible. This enables your team to deliver highly personalized service, ultimately strengthening customer relationships and loyalty.

The automation capabilities of a CRM like HubSpot are a game-changer, offering your team powerful tools to save time and effort. With automated lead routing, email sequences for outreach, task assignments, and auto-sending of quotes, you can streamline your sales processes and free up valuable time for your team to focus on high-impact activities.

Investing in a comprehensive CRM is an investment in efficiency and organization. By upgrading to a robust CRM like HubSpot, you can save your team time, eliminate the manual clutter, and avoid spending hours on data cleanup every quarter. This means more time for strategic initiatives, meaningful customer engagement, and driving business growth.

Upgrading your CRM to a robust solution like HubSpot is more than just a software upgrade; it’s a strategic investment in the future of your business. By centralizing data, automating processes, and maximizing efficiency, you can unlock the full potential of your team and drive unparalleled success.

Ready to take the next step in upgrading your CRM? Let’s transform the way you do business with a powerful CRM solution that aligns with your goals and accelerates your growth.

⚙️ Marketing Automation

We also understand the power of marketing automation in driving business growth. If you're currently using a basic marketing automation tool, it's time to consider upgrading to HubSpot's Marketing Hub. Let us show you why this move can make all the difference in your marketing efforts.

HubSpot's Marketing Hub offers more than just standard automation features; it provides a complete suite of cutting-edge tools and functionalities that can revolutionize your marketing strategy.

  1. All-in-One Solution:
    Unlike basic automation tools, HubSpot's Marketing Automation Tool is an all-in-one solution. It integrates seamlessly with your CRM, content management system, and sales tools, streamlining your marketing efforts and providing a centralized platform to manage all your marketing activities. No more juggling multiple platforms or dealing with complex integrations – with HubSpot, everything is in one place.

  2. Advanced Personalization:
    Personalization is key to engaging your audience effectively, and HubSpot's Marketing Automation Tool takes personalization to the next level. It allows you to segment your audience based on various criteria, deliver custom content based on their preferences, and automate personalized email marketing campaigns. The result? Highly targeted and relevant interactions that resonate with your audience, driving better engagement and conversion rates.

  3. Powerful Analytics and Reporting:
    To make informed marketing decisions, you need deep insights into your campaigns' performance. HubSpot's Marketing Automation Tool provides robust analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling you to track key metrics, analyze campaign success, and identify areas for improvement. With easy-to-understand visualizations and comprehensive reporting dashboards, you can optimize your marketing strategies based on data-driven insights, leading to enhanced overall performance.

  4. Workflow Automation:
    Gone are the days of manual, repetitive tasks. HubSpot's Marketing Automation Tool empowers you to automate complex workflows effortlessly. From lead nurturing and scoring to contact management and social media scheduling, you can automate repetitive processes, save time, and boost productivity. This allows your team to focus on high-value tasks, such as crafting compelling content and developing innovative marketing strategies.

  5. Seamless Integration with Sales:
    To drive revenue growth, marketing and sales alignment is crucial. HubSpot's Marketing Automation Tool seamlessly integrates with HubSpot's CRM and Sales Hub, ensuring a seamless flow of data and enabling effective collaboration between marketing and sales teams. By aligning your marketing and sales efforts, you can optimize lead handoff, track marketing-generated revenue, and create a seamless customer experience that drives conversions.

Upgrading to HubSpot's Marketing Hub is a strategic move for businesses that are serious about taking their marketing game to the next level. With unrivaled features, advanced personalization capabilities, robust analytics, workflow automation, and seamless integration with sales, HubSpot empowers you to drive targeted, effective, and data-driven marketing campaigns that deliver tangible results.

Ready to elevate your marketing efforts? Hit us up! Together, we can supercharge your marketing strategy and unlock new levels of success.

Sales Enablement

According to HubSpot’s 2024 Sales Trends Report, only 2 hours per day are spent actually selling. If the average salesperson is only spending 2 hours per day selling, what are they doing the rest of the time? It can vary on a company basis but the likely culprits of wasting time are: reporting, forecasting, admin, logging sales actions in HubSpot, switching tabs between HubSpot and LinkedIn, searching for contact details of your prospects, and much more.

Does this sound familiar? If you’re spending a lot of time on admin, manually entering data into the HubSpot, or searching for contact details, there are some quick actions you can take to save yourself a considerable amount of time each week.

A strong sales enablement strategy is crucial for driving revenue growth, but what if you had a tool to help? If your BDRs and sales team are using outdated tools (or worse... no tools at all) it's time to consider upgrading to HubSpot Sales Hub with a combo of other tools like Surfe.


Tip 1: Connect HubSpot to LinkedIn

Bridging the gap between HubSpot and LinkedIn can essentially solve quite a few of these issues in one: many birds, one stone.

Tools that allow you to add contacts automatically from LinkedIn to HubSpot can save you the hassle of manually copy-pasting data from one to the other, switching tabs back and forth. 

These kinds of tools can also automatically log all of your sales activities on LinkedIn, such as your conversations or updates to the deal progress. When all this is done for you, it can save you up to 13 hours per week.

Tip 2: Skip the search for contact details

Once you’ve identified the leads you want to target, whether this is on LinkedIn or not, you are likely wasting a lot of time searching for contact details. Finding the accurate contact information is, of course, vital - without it, you cannot begin your outreach. But it’s not your job. Your job is the actual prospecting and outreach.

An efficient sales workflow is one that automatically provides you with the contact details so you can skip the search, reduce the gap between prospecting and outreach, and get in contact with your prospects immediately. This is a highly competitive area of sales and so there are a plethora of tools that can do this for you.

Our advice? Choose an email finder for LinkedIn that you can use directly within LinkedIn and choose one that allows you to access multiple databases - don’t rely on one provider. There are options out there that combine the power of the top tools into one, easy-to-search database that works natively within LinkedIn.

Tip 3: Don’t overlook the importance of a clean CRM

Data decay refers to the process by which information stored in your CRM becomes outdated or inaccurate over time. This can happen for a number of reasons but it happens naturally when your HubSpot contacts change company or position. 

In fact, just recently in April, Forbes wrote about how CRM data can decay at a rate as fast as 70.3% each year. That means that if you don’t act immediately, one your from now, over 70% of your CRM contact data could be outdated. It could mean they changed companies, they’re in a new role, they’ve got a new email address, or something else. Whatever the change, it’s a nightmare waiting to happen - your outreach is worthless if your email lands in the wrong inbox or the contact doesn’t work at that company anymore.

Connect HubSpot to LinkedIn with Surfe

Surfe is a Chrome extension that brings HubSpot natively within LinkedIn. You can add LinkedIn contacts to HubSpot in one click, view all of your HubSpot properties on LinkedIn profiles, and in the process, save yourself up to 13 hours per week.

Surfe also finds professional, verified email addresses of your LinkedIn contacts and adds them to HubSpot. It does this by providing you access to the databases of Apollo, RocketReach, Dropcontact, and Hunter, natively within LinkedIn. All email addresses are then validated by ZeroBounce.

And - you guessed it - Surfe will keep your CRM clean. Surfe scans your CRM every day and compares the contact data inside it to that of your LinkedIn contacts. If it spots a discrepancy where a contact has a different company or position on LinkedIn, it will notify you so you can avoid data decay and have the cleanest of CRMs.

Surfe is free for 2 weeks - no setup or credit card required. Just log in to your HubSpot account and start Surfing!

Upgrading Your Software

It's essential to break away from the idea that if something is not broken, don't fix it. Businesses that continue to use outdated software are not only missing out on the benefits of modern technology, but they face the risk of falling behind competitors.

Evaluating your marketing automation tool and CRM is key to helping your business operations. 

Get feedback from your team, research new tools, and don’t be scared to make a change that is going to get you on the path to success!


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