The Dijest

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How to HubSpot
By Alexa Fangman

Hey there - we’re happy you’re here. You’re a part of the esteemed HubSpot community, seeking simplified processes, training material, or a...

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Using the Power of Emotions and Intention in Sales
By Samantha Plateroti

In the dynamic world of sales, understanding the psychology behind purchasing decisions is one of the best things to learn and understand...

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4 Snippets Your Sales Team Should Use As Playbooks
By Samantha Plateroti

HubSpot offers a diverse set of tools & features designed to elevate the effectiveness of your sales process and initiatives. The best...

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Supercharge Your Sales Team with Sales Hub Automation
By Samantha Plateroti

Are you sick and tired of losing potential customers because your sales team isn't doing proper follow-up? Do you feel defeated when going...

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Sales Hub: Breaking Down the HubSpot Hubs
By Samantha Plateroti

HubSpot’s Sales Hub can be the game changer for your sales team to stay on top of their open deals and get them over the line. Here's what...

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Marketing Hub: Breaking Down the HubSpot Hubs
By Samantha Plateroti

What do you need to know about HubSpot’s Marketing Hub? HubSpot’s Marketing Hub is an all-in-one marketing platform that helps your team...

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HubSpot vs. Mailchimp: Marketing Automation
By Samantha Plateroti

Picture this: you’re putting together a marketing plan and read that email marketing has an ROI of $40 for every $1 spent. You have an idea...

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Using your CRM to Power your Marketing
By Samantha Plateroti

Things can get disorganized if you’re not using a CRM. But the real pitfall is not understanding the power of customer data and using it to...

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